Friday, October 9, 2009

Anxiety Cause - Facts

anxiety cause
Most anxiety cause is attributed to specific phobias where apparently females are more affected than males. A phobia is described as a fear of situations, activities or even people, but quite often it is irrational and persistent.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder is often associated with a disproportionate amount of worry to the actual reason for worrying in the first place, so is therefore seen as excessive. Some might even say people suffering from this anxiety cause as being the so called doomsayers, or the anticipators of disaster, when there is no real threat around. A number of symptoms normally exist with this anxiety cause which might include shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, aches, pains and perhaps nausea.

The anxiety cause of the Panic Disorder, which is said to affect more women than men, occurs on terms of as long as an entire month off continuous and quite often debilitating panic attacks. The actual panic attacks can occur over any periods of time usually ranging between 1 and 10 minutes. Perspiration, dizziness and fear quite often accompany the panic attacks. Panic disorder is not the same as agoraphobia, although these conditions can be experienced concurrently.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, which affects over 1% of the US adult population, affects males and females equally. The name of this anxiety cause stems from the combination of the thoughts (obsessions) and behaviours (compulsions) of the individual. Symptoms can range from continual and habitual practices such as hand washing, to preoccupation with sexual impulses. This disorder should not be confused with the personality disorder of the same name, which involves obsessive behaviour towards organization, and perfection.

Anxiety Cause - Anxiety Disorders I

The next most prevalent anxiety cause is attributed to Social Anxiety Disorder, which occurs equally between the sexes. This condition directly affects the ability to function in certain areas of life and can be linked to the fear of embarrassment or even humiliation, which is largely based upon the perception of the individual concerned, based upon his or her own actions.

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is another anxiety cause, that once again is more likely to affect females than males. Unwanted sexual encounters, such as rape, the death of close friend of family member, serious physical injury and a number of other factors may contribute to this condition. Research has shown that one can inherit the susceptibility to develop posttraumatic stress disorder too.

Anxiety Cause – Facts, Figures and Statistics

If you suffer from anxiety or suspect that you might, sometimes understanding the true situation in terms of the anxiety cause, as well as the amount of people that are subject to this condition allows one to take a step back and realize that you really are not alone with respect to this condition.

According to a number of resources, including that of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, the following figures are not only real but provide an insight into the waste of money that is being spent on seeking medical care and attention, which in fact reveals that it is a mimic of physical illnesses, when in fact if the anxiety is treated correctly there will be no need for such additional treatment.

Millions of adults in the US, over 18 years of age are affected by Anxiety disorders, representing a cost of over $42 billion per year – the exact figure of the US population affected is said to be between 13,3% and 18,1% of the adult US population. Of this $42 billion, over half of these costs are attributed to repeat health care services usage, based upon the abovementioned mimicking of physical illnesses.

Anxiety cause and disorders can contribute to people going to the doctor more than 4 or 5 times than normal, and may be 6 times more likely hospitalized for psychiatric disorders due to the anxiety disorders.